A theatrical horror show devised from the literature and mythos of H.P. Lovecraft investigating the pursuit of higher powers and the mortal drive to fabricate mystery. Created with movement inspired by Butoh, illusions of magic, demonstrations of science, and a terrifying menagerie of ungodly puppets. Production Materials• Scenic, Lighting, and Costume Design
"It's a hugely entertaining show entirely unlike anything being staged this season in Milwaukee."I
Russ Bickerstaff. SHEPHERD EXPRESS "The most original show to hit town in a long time. It's frankly amazing that anyone would attempt to stage such grand material...there's nowhere, absolutely nowhere the theatrical imagination can't take us."
JEFF GRYGNY, MILWAUKEE THEATER EXAMINER "Love & Cthulhu is the most ambitious and inventive production Milwaukee has seen in recent years, quite possibly ever...a cauldron that leaves the audience stirred, challenged and awestruck; their imaginations still twisting in the curtain"
LOCALTROLLEY.COM "Most daring performances of 2014"